Your generous help could work to ensure the non-profit Millarville Racing & Agricultural Society, with history now more than a century old, along with all the attendant programs and facilities you’ve enjoyed in your own lifetime, can continue to exist for the use and enjoyment of future generations.

Current Capital Projects

Dear Members, Supporters and Friends,

Our agriculturally-themed playground is much loved by children and adults alike. Many stories have been shared about delighted children and their families enjoying our playground so much that the children don’t want to leave! From the barn play structure to the tractor, farm animals and every other piece of equipment, our playground is a hit. It is a credit to all the volunteers who worked to make it a reality and to everyone who donated funds.

MRAS needs your support as we have additional playground costs to cover. For $200 a brick, you can be part of continuing to build our Playground Legacy. Please consider buying a brick and having your choice of a name or names engraved as your individual or family legacy, or as a gift or memorial for people you care about.

Thank you for your kind consideration of continuing to build our playground legacy one engraved brick at a time.    

How You Can Donate


The resilience of the Fair is due to the unwavering support of the community – as volunteer time and talent, exhibitor participation, visitor enthusiasm and through direct financial support. We are so fortunate to live in a place where people know the meaning of community spirit.

The Fair is self-funding, meaning that income directed to the Fair is used for Fair expenses. If you would like to contribute to this long-standing tradition, please use the 2024 donation form to record your donation. We are truly grateful for your assistance

Planned giving is one of the more selfless acts you can do in your lifetime – and potentially one of the most rewarding. Your decision to donate helps us immensely.

Your generous help could work to ensure the non-profit Millarville Racing & Agricultural Society, with history now more than a century old, along with all the attendant programs and facilities you’ve enjoyed in your own lifetime, can continue to exist for the use and enjoyment of future generations.

Acts of Planned Giving can take many forms, including gifts that benefit MRAS immediately or gifts that benefit MRAS in the future. In many cases, it may be possible for MRAS to leverage your generous gift into a matching government or corporate grant, meaning even the smallest gesture could take on much greater meaning.

The most common feature of gifts of this nature is they can be used by the MRAS immediately and might include cash, cheques, money orders, and drafts. You might even use pre-authorized monthly deposits to MRAS or turn to a one-time gift or, you might think of donating in memoriam for a passed loved one.

The gift of stocks and/or bonds can have certain tax advantages to the donor while the gift of property, including land, vehicles, etc, is also very helpful.

Gifts “In-Kind” can also be very beneficial in the present day for MRAS. These may include donating a prize to be given away at one of our special events, donating services that might be used within MRAS or given away as a prize, starting an employee/employer matching grant program benefiting MRAS, or offering employees paid time off to volunteer and holding a company event with proceeds donated to MRAS.

All of these ideas and more would be very helpful in our efforts to maintain or refurbish our facilities for continued use, as well as for further program development.

This is sometimes referred to as Legacy Gifting and is, simply put, the act of pledging a gift today, in your lifetime, so that it might be delivered at a later date, usually upon your passing. The methods to do this are many and varied but here are a few:

Leaving a gift in your will, which might be cash or assets, including stocks, bonds, mutual funds, GIC’s, real estate, vehicles, art, or jewelry.
Naming MRAS as a beneficiary of a portion or whole of your RSP/RRIF, Annuity, or Pension.
Naming MRAS as a beneficiary of a portion or whole of an existing or paid-up life insurance policy.
Purchasing a new life insurance policy naming MRAS as a beneficiary
Remembering a loved one who has passed on by making a memorial or tribute gift to MRAS in their memory.
The Racetrack facilities of the Millarville Racing & Agricultural Society service in excess of 100,000 people in any given year, numbers we can only expect to grow as the years march on. Our facilities are in need of upgrades while we also hope to commit more monies to program development, particularly for younger people.

Our goal, ultimately, is to maintain our position as a relevant and important focal point in your community through the next century, preserving the values and traditions of our founders from more than 100 years ago.

We do need your help, however, in any way you can offer, either today or in the future. And again, even the smallest gesture, either today or in the future, may allow MRAS to find a matching grant for it from the government or corporations. As a result, your generosity could go much further than you might anticipate.

The Racetrack facilities of the Millarville Racing & Agricultural Society service in excess of 100,000 people in any given year, numbers we can only expect to grow as the years march on. Our facilities are in need of upgrades while we also hope to commit more monies to program development, particularly for younger people.

Our goal, ultimately, is to maintain our position as a relevant and important focal point in your community through the next century, preserving the values and traditions of our founders from more than 100 years ago.

We do need your help, however, in any way you can offer, either today or in the future. And again, even the smallest gesture, either today or in the future, may allow MRAS to find a matching grant for it from the government or corporations. As a result, your generosity could go much further than you might anticipate.

For more information, contact the office at or 403-931-3411.

share your stories

We would love to hear stories of how your relatives, your friends, or you have helped MRAS through Planned Giving in the past. Write us a note or e-mail us so that we might share it with others.