The Priddis & Millarville Fair is a full weekend of old fashioned, country-style family fun that draws our extended community together on the third weekend in August. The Fair is suitable for all ages and includes a wide variety of competitions, contests, displays and entertainment. We hope you were able to join us at this year’s Fair!
The Fair is a tremendous opportunity for us to share experiences and to celebrate and build community with our children, our community newcomers, and our visitors. We have the opportunity to provide our visitors with insight into our history and rural heritage and to provide agricultural literacy.
Are you interested in supporting the 118th Priddis Millarville Fair August 16 & 17, 2025?
Financial contributions are greatly appreciated, and we would not be able to host this event without your generous support! DONATION FORM . Donations to the Fair can be directed to a specific department, class or general operations to help with direct Fair expenses. We also accept donations that are directed to the winning Exhibitor of the donor’s choice of class, department, or division. Information about the Departments and Classes can be found here: 2025 CLASS LISTS.
Please contact us at if you have any questions about supporting the FUN as a donor, volunteer, exhibitor or as a visitor. The Fair succeeds because of the outstanding support from our community. We are so fortunate to live in a place where people know the meaning of community spirit.
NOTE: Anyone can exhibit but you must pre-register. Go to the online registration at SHOWORKS. Registration for the 2025 Fair opens June 1, 2025.
Come and volunteer! It’s fun! Drop a quick note at if you want to learn about the possibilities or sign up . We will get right back to you.
Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram and Facebook!
The fair is proudly co-hosted by the Millarville Racing and Agricultural Society & the Priddis Community Association.
The Fair Book has all the information you need as an exhibitor at the Fair. The 2024 book is available online and will be printed in May.
NOTE: Anyone can exhibit but you must pre-register. The online registration link will be posted here.
All exhibits will be judged (or timed for Gymkhana) with ribbons and prize money awarded.
Introduced by the early British settlers, the Millarville Races were the continuation of a racing tradition in England and Ireland. The first Race Committee was formed on 3rd June 1905, when the residents of Millarville met to discuss the possible organization of an event. The land for the racetrack was granted to the Committee by Raymond DeMalherbe rent-free for the first thirty-five years. The first Millarville races were held later that month, making the race meet the oldest in Alberta.
The track lay in an east-west direction and was simply marked out on the ground. In I906, an inside rail was built, and an outside rail followed. In 1911, the first shed, with thirty stalls, was constructed with a committee room at one end. The stalls were rented out for a dollar for the duration of the meet. Later a grandstand was built over the stalls. During the First World War, racing was discontinued at the track in 1916 and 1917 but resumed in 1918 when the proceeds were donated to the Red Cross.
In 1940, the rent-free lease expired, and the racetrack reverted to the landowners, but the club members were able to purchase it outright with monies raised through a debenture sale. In 1951, pari-mutuel betting was introduced under federal regulation and the Millarville Racetrack came to be listed in the roster of Canada’s leading racing centres.
The Millarville Racetrack, the Racetrack Hall Association, and the Priddis and the Millarville Agricultural Societies amalgamated as the Millarville Racing and Agricultural Society in 1971 to coordinate the various committees involved at the grounds. Over the years, new buildings have been added and improvements made to the track and grounds, many through local donations. The board consists of many directors who volunteer their time, expertise, and community spirit to make sure this facility continues to thrive.
In the archives of the Glenbow Foundation, a complete record can be found of the first meeting of the Millarville Race Club, dated May 1905.
The Races and the Fair paved the way for the creation of five additional events hosted by MRAS:
Our success lies with the generations of volunteers who dedicated themselves to this facility since 1905.
In 2014 the Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development implemented a new recognition program for agricultural societies that have been incorporated for 100 years or more. In 2015, MRAS proudly accepted this award of distinction at the Alberta Association of Agricultural Societies (AAAS) annual convention in Edmonton, and in 2019 were nominated for The Chamber of Commerce Business of Distinction award for Community Event. In 2020, the MRAS were the recipients of the Government of Alberta’s Innovation Award for our fundraising initiatives and strong ability to adapt our events through success throughout the pandemic.
This short account cannot capture the proud heritage and community spirit MRAS has provided to generations of families in Southern Alberta. We invite you to visit us and experience Western Hospitality at its finest.
The Fair is a great place to learn about a wide range of topics. Test your knowledge and skill with our judges.
The Priddis & Millarville Fair uses a variety of sources to set judging standards:
Home Cooking & Baking / From the Kitchen – criteria accumulated by accredited Alberta Agriculture judges that includes weightings for appearance, texture, pie crust, pie filling and of course flavour.
Adult Arts & Handicrafts – criteria set by accomplished artists in each media and includes both Artistic (harmony, originality, creative expression) and Technical (degree of difficulty, quality of execution and for handicrafts, clear communication of purpose)
Flowers, Vegetables & Fruit – judging criteria are set out in Alberta Agricultures Judging and Exhibiting Standards for Horticultural Shows
For anyone who enters the Home Cooking & Baking department, watch the video below for some tips on how to create an award-winning entry.
The Priddis and Millarville Fair is an old-fashioned fair happening the third weekend in August. It began in 1907 and since the 1950’s has been held at the Millarville Racetrack. The ever increasing popularity of this country event led it to become a two-day fair in 2016. This agricultural weekend is a wondrous extravaganza for kids of all ages, rural and urban visitors, and participants. Exhibitors can participate in bench and livestock classes. Special demonstrations give audiences a glimpse of country atmosphere.
This fair continues the tradition on which it was built – keen yet friendly competition showcasing excellence. The purpose has always been and remains “to put on a great show: where the entire community is welcome and encouraged to participate”. Through the diligence of generations of volunteers and new community members, exhibitors and sponsors, it continues as one of the oldest and largest agricultural fairs in this province.
Fordville School happened to be halfway between, so inside exhibits were displayed in the school house and a set of corrals were made to accommodate the livestock. The fair was held at Fordville School from 1931-1945. Although this worked well for a while, the fair grew year by year, and there was never enough room or facilities at hand.
Since 1946, the Millarville Race Track has been its permanent home. After much community input, a hall was built in 1950 on the Race track land, providing the hall would in no way jeopardize the track. That was a happy day for the whole community and from then on, the Priddis and Millarville Fair has been held at the Millarville Racetrack. ¹
In 1970, the Agricultural Society joined with the Millarville Racing and Sports Association to form the Millarville Racing and Agricultural Society. In 2007, a monument plaque was situated on a rock on the north side of the Racetrack Hall, commemorating a Century of Exhibitors. This agricultural fair continues the tradition on which it was built – keen yet friendly competition showcasing excellence. The purpose has always been and remains ‘to put on a great show’ where the entire community is welcome and encouraged to participate.
The fair has always been a family affair; three and four generations of a family exhibiting at the same time, often competing in the same classes. First time exhibitors too, soon feel the magical spirit of Fair Day and become entrenched in the well-established fair traditions, returning to exhibit year after year. As they say, they ‘became hooked’. Fair Directors/Managers have continually added their own magical touch and commitment to the success of the Fair creating and offering classes and incentives to attract and retain these exhibitors. Spectators likewise enjoy Fair Day and come to partake in some of that good old-fashioned country fun. The Fair is family; the Fair is Community. ²
The Priddis and Millarville Fair has morphed and expanded, utilizing all available spaces including the Hall, Quonset, pens, outdoor arenas, racetrack, large tents, and now the new arena, which was rebuilt in 2019. This new spacious facility provides much needed space for the many varied classes and demonstrations. Since 2016, exhibits, exhibitors, and demonstrations are showcased for two days in this beautiful country atmosphere.
This country fair is a huge success story because of the diligence of generations of volunteers and new community members, exhibitors, and sponsors. It is one of the oldest and largest agricultural fairs in this province. This unique quality of combining outstanding bench exhibits (flowers, fruit & vegetables, grains & grasses, home cooking & baking, photography, fibre arts, arts & handicrafts, and woodworking) as well as excellent live entries (llama, dairy goats, sheep, poultry, waterfowl & pigeons, light horse, beef cattle and rabbits) creates a learning atmosphere for participants, volunteers, and spectators.
¹Excerpts from Art Patterson’s article in Reflections On the Millarville Race Track
² Dorothy Jackson’s article in Going to the Fair Volume 2
The resilience of the Fair is due to the unwavering support of the community – as volunteer time and talent, exhibitor participation, visitor enthusiasm and through direct financial support. We are so fortunate to live in a place where people know the meaning of community spirit.
Donations to the Fair can be directed to a specific department, class or general operations to help with direct Fair expenses. We also accept donations for special prizes of the donor’s choice DONATION FORM . You can find information about Departments and Classes here: 2025 CLASS LISTS. If you have any questions or concerns regarding filling out the form please email
Contributions received by April 1, 2025 are published in the Fair Book. All contributions will be displayed on signage or display cards during the Fair weekend.
BENEFACTORS of the Fair and Department Sponsors:
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